I remember reading this question on a Facebook post not that long ago. My answer was “All of them!” We are changed by every experience we have from every book you’ve read to every television commercial we see. No there is a sobering thought! How much content have we subconsciously embedded into our subconscious thoughts?
So this post, like the work I do in my coaching business, is about making conscious decisions; in particular what you feed your brain and soul. I’m going to list some of the books I’ve read over the years that have influenced me greatly. They have either given me new concepts to consider or propelled me to seek more information.
I’d love you to post below a book that may have lifted you to a new level of wisdom and understanding. But for now, here are mine.
Johnathan Livingston Seagull – Richard Bach:
I was fairly young when I read this one and think that it’s a great book for parents (or wise aunts) to give as a gift. Johnathan had a vision and dream to fly higher than what the other seagulls thought was possible. He was ridiculed and told it wasn’t possible. But with determination, he found a way. Talk about an uplifting book! #JohnathanLivingstonSeagull
Illusions – Richard Bach
Here is another one by Bach that I loved when I was young. The story was one about flying again, but this time airplanes. The pilot was given a book that held wisdom. He, like we, are given these gifts but didn’t understand the gift until later. My absolute favorite quote for many years is found in this book: “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.” #Illusions
The Millionaire Next Door
I stopped at a garage sale and found this book. I picked it up out of curiosity. I was working part time while my husband worked full time to earn the lion’s share of our family income. But I had starting liking having a little bit of spending cash in my wallet. This was more than 20 years ago but I still remember having a conversation with the guy who was selling the stuff. I told him that I had a goal to have $100,000 in savings. He looked at me and in all seriousness said “Is that all?” That was a life changing moment. #TheMillionaireNextDoor
Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
For most of my life I hadn’t really considered money to be important. Love and happiness were my goals along with raising happy children. My life changed significantly though when my marriage fell apart. All the sudden, money was quite important. And I wanted to do more than just survive so I started reading more meaty subjects. This book probably had the biggest impact on my financial knowledge than any I have ever read. And I have read many following this one. In my opinion, this is a must read and is available for under $5. #RichDadPoorDad
Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins
I remember reading this book on my front porch in Southern California. I had been laid off of my job. As a single mom this was scary. I started a trend then that from that moment on whenever I found myself in a tough situation, I did self-improvement or home improvement; sometimes both. I love the tag line to this book: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! I mean, who wouldn’t want that right? This book was the first to show me that I could change the way I feel. There were exercises throughout the book. I liked this part because actively doing something instead of just reading made an impact on me and I use the tools I learned in there to this day. One exercise was to write down 5 things that made you happy and would put you in a better mood. I wrote:
Lay on my back in the grass with my dog: I had a Gold Retriever named Ruby at that time. She would roll over on her back the grass and wiggle scratching all the good spots. Just seeing her do this made me happy. Actually getting down in the grass with her only amplified the joy.
Listen to music: We all have that song that brings us to tears. Well there is one that makes us feel so great that we want to get up and dance when we hear it. And it is almost instantaneous. So why stay in a bad mood. Turn on the tunes!
Get in a warm car: This one may just be on my list. But I truly love getting in a car that has been warmed by the sun. Those first moments of being warm were like a hug. Yes the AC came on shortly after that, but those first moments were my happy place.
Others were playing with my pets, talking to a friend, and going for a walk. All of these things have physical benefits as well has helping you get out of your funk.
Just knowing what makes YOU feel better is a powerful tool. When you are in a funk do what makes you happy. Do you have a list? What’s on it? #AwakenTheGiantWithin
The Richest Man In Babylon – George Samuel Clason
This is a short and powerful message. Big change doesn’t usually happen all at once. It happens by taking small steps in the direction of your choice. What is one thing you can do today that will move you toward your dream? DO IT! #TheRichestManInBabylon
The Four Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss
WOW was this book impactful. The concepts blew my limited beliefs right out of the water. So many wonderful tools and tips to get you out of your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and into working for yourself on your own terms. (um…hello! I work out of my home in a redwood forest) #TheFourHourWorkWeek
Peaks and Valleys – Spencer Johnson
Another great tag line: Making Good AND Bad Times Work For You
This is another super easy read and great concept: What you do when you are in a low point in your life (valley) will determine how long you stay in that low point. And what you do when you are in a high point (peak) will determine how long you will stay in that high point. Wouldn’t you want to extent your highs? Yeah, me too. #PeaksandValleys
The Bible
I admit when I started to read this it put me to sleep. The real life changer for me was hearing the stories come to life through a few ministers who put their sermons on the radio. I listened on my way to and from work and after a while it all started coming together. Now when I read The Word I am fed wisdom and grace. It truly saved my soul. The other books have helped me have a better life on the Earth. This one gives other benefits that I’m happy to have such as a personal savior and everlasting life. I’d call that a bonus that makes this one worth reading. #TheBible